The Frogs: A Modern Adaptation

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Disgusted with the state of current entertainment, Dionysus, God of Wine and Poetry, decides that it's time to retrieve Shakespeare from the underworld. Surely if the Bard were given a series on HBO, he'd be able to raise the level of discourse! Accompanied by his trusted servant, Xanthias (the brains of the operation), Dionysus seeks help from Hercules and Charon the Boatman. Unfortunately, his plan to rescue Shakespeare goes horribly awry, as he's captured by a chorus of reality-television-loving demon frogs. The frogs put the god on trial and threaten him with never-ending torment unless he brings more reality shows into the world. It won't be easy for Dionysus to survive, and, even if he does get past the frogs, Jane Austen isn't ready to let Shakespeare escape without a fight. Adapted from Aristophanes' classic satire, The Frogs is a hilarious and scathing look at highbrow and lowbrow art.

PublisherDramatic Publishing Co.
CategoryFull Length Play
ThemeComedy, Fantasy
AuthorDon Zolidis
Music Byn/a
Adapted Byn/a
Based Onn/a
No Of Acts2
Royalty PlayDramatic Publishing Co.
Sale Price$40.00 (excl. GST and postage)
Our reference78241

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