Some Demons

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Sam's eighteen and her life's about to start. Zoe's forty-something and hers never did. They don't have much in common. Just a love of '80s new wave, and an illness that wants them dead.

Thrown together in an eating disorder unit, their most intimate secrets exposed, they form a complicated bond. But when another patient turns the ward into chaos, they're forced to confront a difficult question: if an institution is the thing keeping you safe, how are you supposed to cope when you leave?

PublisherNick Hern Books
CategoryFull Length Play
ThemeMental Health
AuthorLaura Waldren
Music Byn/a
Adapted Byn/a
Based Onn/a
Period Set InContemporary
SetSingle Set Interior
Performed ByTeens / Adults
Royalty PlayNick Hern Books
Sale Price$32.00 (excl. GST and postage)
Our reference79380

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