HOLIDAY CLOSURE: Kia ora! The Play Bureau will be closed 31 Dec - 9 January. We will be checking emails and answering urgetn messages, but no shipping or receiving will occur until 10 January. We wish you a bright and successful new year!!
For over fifty years ‘The Play Bureau’ has been privileged to represent a number of the major publishing houses around the world, offering our clients in Aotearoa access to licenses to perform some of the finest and most successful plays that are available anywhere.
Our Bookstore features play scripts, musicals, and theatre books by authors of international acclaim, together with a selection of works by New Zealand and Australian writers. The extensive range of titles is a fantastic resource for Primary Schoosl and Colleges, Repertory and Musical Theatres, amatuers and professionals.
Whether you access this site it from your classroom, your spare room, or your board room, we hope you will find it a useful and rewarding resource and a convenient way to shop for scripts.
So... take a look. Take your time. Browse or place an order. Lose yourself amongst old friends and half remembered plots, or nudge nostalgia aside and go with the latest and greatest - the choice is yours. Classic, cool, or conservative - it's all here.
Perusals: As the agents in Aotearoa, you will find the performing rights for many of titles on our site. We offer a library perusal service (for New Zealand only) for your convenience. Not all titles will be available in our library, but we will try and help you get what you need.
Enjoy your visit.
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Script » How To Date A Feminist
Script » Somewhere Out There Your
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