Red Ellen

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Forever on the right side of history, but on the wrong side of life, Labour MP Ellen Wilkinson is caught between revolutionary and parliamentary politics as she fights for a better world.

Battling to save Jewish refugees in Nazi Germany; campaigning for Britain to aid the fight against Franco's Fascists in Spain; leading two hundred workers in the Jarrow Crusade against unemployment and poverty... she pursues each cause with a passionate, reckless conviction.

And yet despite a life spent running into the likes of Albert Einstein and Ernest Hemingway, serving in Churchill's cabinet, having affairs with communist spies and government ministers she still finds herself, somehow, on the outside looking in.

Caroline Bird's play Red Ellen is the remarkable true story of an inspiring and brilliant woman.

PublisherNick Hern Books
CategoryFull Length Play
AuthorCaroline Bird
Music Byn/a
Adapted Byn/a
Based Onn/a
Period Set In1940's
Performed ByAdults
Royalty PlayNick Hern Books
Sale Price$35.00 (excl. GST and postage)
Our reference79310

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