Was and Will Be

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I am the protector. Watching over the boys as they sleep. Guiding them in their dreams. This is my story. This is our yarn from this country. My River Country , Brodie Murray

Was and Will Be braids together an array of Aboriginal narratives spanning monologues, dialogues, choruses and dynamic movement sequences designed to be accessible and enriching for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous actors, creatives, educators, students and theatre enthusiasts. Generously shared by First Nations playwrights Tracey Rigney, Tom Molyneux and Brodie Murray, these stories touch upon ancient and contemporary legacies of ceremony, community-building and truth-telling, among other topics. They offer a moment in time for Indigenous and non-Indigenous performers to explore, experiment and connect with the storytellers that have long preceded us in this country.

PublisherCurency Press Pty Ltd.
CategoryFull Length Play
ThemeCollection of Plays
AuthorTracey Rigney, Tom Molyneux and Brodie Murray
Music Byn/a
Adapted Byn/a
Based Onn/a
Performed ByTeens and Adults
Royalty PlayNot Play Bureau
Sale Price$28.00 (excl. GST and postage)
Our reference79423

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